While we continue to conduct most of our hearings via video conferencing & other forms of remote ADR, The Jansen Group, Inc. will resume in-person sessions through a phased approach that ensures a safe environment for all of our visitors. As we prepare to welcome our clients back into our offices, the health and safety of those attending in-person sessions remains our top priority.
We are closely monitoring the developments around COVID-19 and have implemented the following sanitary measures to protect the health of our clients, neutrals, and associates.
Thoroughly cleaning & sanitizing our conference rooms, waiting rooms, and common areas frequently throughout the day
Monitoring building management protocols regarding frequent sanitization and social-distancing measures in all building common areas
Providing hand sanitizer for visitors throughout all our facilities
Modifying our conference rooms and waiting areas with staggering seating to provide more space per person, while encouraging all guests to remain at least 6 feet apart from one another
Encouraging social-distancing through minimizing the number of hearings scheduled on a given day, thus reducing the gathering of large groups and occupancy
Providing protective masks and gloves to all visitors
Requiring face coverings for all visitors participating in in-person hearings
Providing & encouraging the use of hand sanitizer throughout our facilities
Attending an in-person arbitration or mediation at our White Plains, NY office? Read our COVID Safety Guidelines - White Plains Office for additional information regarding our COVID-19 health and safety precautions.
For further information on how we are working to keep our office environment safe for all visitors, email us directly at kristina@jansenadr.com